• Opening Time : 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

What does the score mean?

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Grading for IELTS is the average of the four components listening, reading, writing and speaking. The scores are between 0 to 9 where 0 is the lowest and 9 is the highest. Overall band score is the average score of all skills, and here are what each of them mean.

Band Score 0 : The candidate did not answer the question.

Band Score 1 : The candidate does not have the ability to use the language.

Band Score 2 : The candidate cannot understand the english language that is spoken or written properly and is familiar with few words only.

Band Score 3 : The candidate has difficulty making conversation and has limited knowlegde about the language.

Band Score 4 : They lack in using language that is complex and has limited use for the language.

Band Score 5 : They are able to have conversation if they are familiar with the field but are most likely to make mistakes while conversing.

Band Score 6 : They are able to have some command in their language despite making few errors. They are able to use language that is complex but only if it is familiar to them.

Band Score 7 : They have good command over the language and can hold conversations. Even tho there may be some mistakes in some situation that is not familiar to them, they are overall good user of the language.

Band Score 8 : They can understand complex words and are very good with conversations in the language, even tho they make make few mistakes in an unfamiliar environment.

Band Score 9 : They have great command over the language. They are fluent and can make conversations even using complex words even in an unfamiliar situation. They are accurate and have complete understanding of the language.

There are four IELTS paper based test dates in a month. It’s score is available online on 13th day of test date and the hard copy of result is provided on the 18th day of the test date. It’s score is valid for two years from the test date.